It Starts at Home

Gun owners can make their homes and communities safer by storing their guns securely when not in the owner’s immediate possession. This means storing them unloaded, locked, and when possible, separate from ammunition. Securing firearms protects children and adults by preventing unintentional shootings, gun suicides and all tragedies that can result when a child or teen accesses an unsecured gun.


Storage devices defeat the purpose of owning a gun by putting barriers between the gun owner and their means of defense.


There are many affordable options for firearm storage that provide owners with quick access to their guns while still preventing access by children and people at increased risk of harming themselves or others. Further, it is possible that unsecured guns may actually increase the likelihood of crime and violence through an increased risk of gun theft. Each year, an estimated 200,000 to 500,000 guns are stolen from homes and cars. Many of these guns are funneled into the underground market, where once-legally-owned firearms can be transferred to people with dangerous histories.

4.6 million children

in the US live in a home with at least one unlocked and loaded firearm.

54% of gun owners

An estimated 54 percent of gun owners don’t lock all of their guns securely.

350 children

Every year, 350 children under the age of 18 unintentionally shoot themselves or someone else.


The Impact of Gun Violence on Black Communities


Guns are the number one killer of Black children in the US.


Black children in the US are three times more likely to die by guns than their white peers.


Black children in the US are three times more likely to die by unintentional shootings than their white peers.


Black children in the US are 11 times more likely to die by gun homicide than their white peers.


The gun suicide rate among Black children in the US increased 158 percent from 2011 to 2020.


An estimated 24 percent of Black adults in the US own a gun.


What can you do? Learn to Be SMART because It Starts At Home.

Guide to Secure Storage Devices

Secure all guns in your homes and vehicles.

Keeping Your Home Safe with Secure Storage

Secure Storage Practices to Reduce Gun Violence

Prácticas De Almacenamiento Seguras Para Reducir La Violencia Con Armas De Fuego

Guía Para Asegurar Los Dispositivos De Almacenamiento De Armas De Fuego

Model responsible behavior around guns.

Talking to Your Children About Guns

Cómo Hablar Con Sus Hijos Acerca de Las Armas De Fuego

Ask about the presence of unsecured guns in other homes.

Asking About Secure Gun Storage

Hacer Preguntas Sobre el Almacenamiento Seguro de Armas de Fuego

Recognize the role of guns in suicide.

Facts and Resources on Child Firearm Suicide

Información y Recursos Sobre Suicidios Juveniles por Armas de Fuego

Tell your friends and neighbors to Be SMART.

A still frame of a man from the Tell campaign video
A still frame of a woman from the Anthem campaign video

Spread the Word

Share the following graphics on Facebook or download for Instagram and Threads.


Connect with Be SMART

There are thousands of Be SMART volunteers in your communities and neighborhoods that are delivering the Be SMART message across the country in all 50 states. Sign up to contact your local Be SMART program today!

Members of Be SMART and a police officer pose with a thank you sign.

Connect with NOBLE

Since 1976, The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) has served as the conscience of law enforcement by being committed to justice by action.

Members of N.O.B.L.E. walk in a group down the street

Additional Resources

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