In Schools

Secure Gun Storage is a School Safety Issue

Promoting secure storage is an important way to make your school community safer. Across the country, school leaders have worked to bring the Be SMART message to their districts. Since 2015, schools in every region of the U.S. have taken action on promoting secure storage, with millions of parents and guardians receiving Be SMART materials to educate and raise awareness about how to securely store guns—and why it matters.

There are many ways you can ensure that parents, caregivers and all adults in your school community receive important and potentially life-saving information about secure firearm storage. Here’s how you can take action:

Schedule a Be SMART Presentation

One of the simplest ways to start the conversation about secure gun storage is to host a Be SMART presentation. We have volunteers in every state ready to talk to your school community about what it means to Be SMART. To schedule a presentation for your PTA, school board, or other school-based organization, text SMART to 64433.

Partner with Be SMART

We have an extensive suite of materials that are available for distribution in your schools. We welcome you to partner with Be SMART to provide resources to all student households. To find out more about partnering with Be SMART, contact us today.

Pass a Resolution to Have Your School Distribute Information on Secure Storage

Join the growing number of schools around the country that have passed resolutions requiring that all student households receive information about secure storage. As a result of these efforts, millions of students nationwide attend schools with secure firearm storage policies.

This toolkit provides all the information and resources you need to encourage your school to pass a secure storage resolution.

Some examples of the dozens of districts that have committed to sending home information annually on the critical importance of secure storage include:

  • Anchorage School District (AK)
  • Little Rock School District (AR)
  • Phoenix Union High School District (AZ)
  • Los Angeles Unified School District (CA)
  • San Diego Unified School District (CA)
  • Duval County School District (FL)
  • Alachua County School District (FL)
  • Iowa City Community School District (IA)
  • Geneva Community Unit School District Number 304 (IL)
  • Plymouth Public Schools (MA)
  • Bloomfield Hills School District (MI)
  • Rochester Public Schools (MN)
  • North Kansas City School District (MO)
  • Albuquerque Public Schools (NM)
  • Clark County School District (NV)
  • Cincinnati Public Schools (OH)
  • Lake Oswego School Board (OR)
  • Erie School District (PA)
  • Houston Independent School District (TX)
  • Frisco Independent School District (TX)
  • Richland School District (SC)
  • Fairfax County School District (VA)
  • Essex Westford School District (VT)

School Safety with our Partner, National PTA

National PTA has been an essential partner in helping to spread the Be SMART message. Shortly after the program launched in 2015, the organization endorsed Be SMART and it has consistently amplified information about secure firearm storage and shared secure firearm resources with its membership.

Be SMART Handouts

Download Be SMART handouts about secure storage practices and types of secure storage. All handouts are designed to be printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper.

Asking About Secure Gun Storage

Secure Storage Toolkit

Secure Storage Practices to Reduce Gun Violence

About Be SMART

Guide to Secure Gun Storage Devices

Facts and Resources on Child Firearm Suicide

Talking to Your Children About Guns

Keeping Your Home Safe with Secure Storage

Protecting LGBTQ+ Youth from Firearm Suicide


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