A daughter is sitting on her fathers shoulders happily playing outdoors

Keep Kids Safe: Secure Your Firearm

Firearm injuries are the leading cause of death for kids under 18 in Louisiana.

Be SMART is a national campaign that promotes responsible gun ownership to protect kids and reduce child gun deaths. The Be SMART message encourages caregivers to be “SMART” by taking 5 Simple Steps to keep kids safe:

Secure all guns in your home and vehicle;

Model responsible behavior around guns;

Ask about unsecured guns in other homes;

Recognize the role of guns in suicide; and

Tell your friends and neighbors to Be SMART.

Helping Families to Be SMART: Steps to Secure Storage

If you own firearms, you can protect your family by securely storing the guns you keep at home. Secure storage keeps firearms out of the wrong hands.

Keeping Your Home Safe with Secure Storage

Modeling how to Be SMART: Conversation Starters with Children & Resources for Parents of Kids & Teens

As a parent, you know your child best, but they may not always share when they’re struggling. Start a conversation and let them know you’re there to help.

Facts and Resources on Child Firearm Suicide

Spread the Word

Share the following graphics on Facebook or download for Instagram and Threads.


Encouraging Neighbors to Be SMART: Spread the Word

Keep your community safe by encouraging friends and neighbors to Be SMART. Spread the word that secure gun storage saves lives.

Asking (Other Parents) About Secure Storage

A still frame of a woman from the Anthem campaign video
A still frame of a man from the Secure campaign video
A still frame of a man from the Model campaign video
A still frame of a woman from the Ask campaign video
A still frame of a man from the Recognize campaign video
A still frame of a man from the Tell campaign video

Explore Be SMART