2024 SMART Week Partner Social Media Toolkit
2024 SMART Week Partner Social Media Toolkit
As young people head back to school, one of the smartest things all adults can do to keep kids, classrooms, and communities safe from gun violence is raise awareness about secure gun storage. August 26–30, 2024 marks the first annual SMART Week—a time when we come together to spread the word on the critical importance of secure gun storage to prevent gun violence. Through local activations, partnerships, and social media amplification, we can work together to make sure this school year is the safest one yet!
SMART Week is built on the foundation of the Be SMART public education program. Be SMART promotes secure gun storage as a means to prevent kids under 18 and other unauthorized users from accessing guns. SMART Week will leverage the Be SMART framework to educate communities across the US about the simple steps that everyone—gun owners and non-gun owners alike—can take right now to prevent gun violence:
- Secure all guns in homes and vehicles
- Model responsible behavior around guns
- Ask about the presence of unsecured firearms in other homes your child visits
- Recognize the role of guns in suicide
- Tell your peers to Be SMART
The bottom line: As summer comes to a close and kids head back to school, adults have homework too—to spread the word about secure gun storage and how to Be SMART!
Participate in SMART Week on Social Media
- Official hashtag for all platforms: #BeSMART. Please use this hashtag in all of your SMART Week posts so we can tie the conversation together and show the scale of this campaign
- When possible, include the Be SMART website URL in your social posts: besmartforkids.org
- Ask your followers to spread the word about secure storage during SMART Week by sharing Be SMART assets on your social media accounts
- Invite your followers to learn more about the Be SMART program by texting SMART to 644-33
- Follow the Be SMART Instagram and Threads accounts: @besmartforkids
Sample social language for sharing prior to SMART Week
Securing firearms is one of the best ways to keep our schools and communities safe from gun violence. To make this the safest school year yet, the first annual SMART Week will be from August 26-30, 2024!
Help spread the word about this critical new safety campaign, and learn more about how you can get involved at besmartforkids.org/smart-week. #BeSMART
Asegurar las armas de fuego es una de las mejores formas de mantener nuestras escuelas y comunidades seguras de la violencia con armas. Para crear un año escolar más seguro, ¡la primera Semana SMART será del 26 al 30 de agosto de 2024!
Ayuda a compartir esta campaña de seguridad y aprende más sobre cómo puedes proteger a tus hijos en besmartforkids.org/smart-week. #BeSMART
Sample social language for sharing throughout SMART Week
By educating the public on secure gun storage, we can reduce gun violence and create a safer environment for our children and families as we embark on a new school year.
This SMART Week, join [me/us] in spreading the word, and get involved by texting SMART to 644-33! #BeSMART
Al educar al público sobre cómo asegurar las armas de fuego, podemos reducir la violencia con armas y crear una comunidad más segura para nuestros hijos y familias al comenzar un nuevo año escolar.
Esta Semana SMART, comparte este mensaje crítico. Obtenga más información aquí: besmartforkids.org #BeSMART
School shooters are often current or former students, and the guns they use are most often obtained from their home or the homes of relatives.
This SMART Week, join us in raising awareness about the importance of secure firearm storage. Text SMART to 644-33! #BeSMART
Los tiradores escolares son a menudo estudiantes o ex-estudiantes, y las armas que usan generalmente se obtienen en su hogar o en los hogares de sus familiares.
Esta Semana SMART, acompáñanos para crear conciencia sobre la importancia de asegurar las armas de fuego. Visita besmartforkids.org/share/online para compartir los gráficos de información en español. #BeSMART
As we start a new school year, one of the smartest things adults can do to keep kids, classrooms, and communities safe from gun violence is to raise awareness about secure gun storage.
This SMART Week, join us spreading this critical message! Learn more by texting SMART to 644-33! #BeSMART
Al comenzar un nuevo año escolar, una de las cosas más simples que podemos hacer para mantener nuestras comunidades escolares seguras de la violencia con armas de fuego es crear conciencia sobre cómo asegurar las armas.
En esta Semana SMART, acompáñanos para compartir este mensaje crítico. ¡Aprende más visitando a besmartforkids.org! #BeSMART
Unintentional shootings by children and teens can be prevented by taking a few simple steps to secure guns in homes and vehicles—stored locked, unloaded, and separate from ammunition.
This SMART Week, tell your family and friends to #BeSMART. Learn more at besmartforkids.org.
Los disparos accidentales por niños y adolescentes pueden prevenirse tomando unos pocos pasos sencillos para asegurar las armas de fuego en los hogares y vehículos: guardarlas bajo llave, descargadas y separadas de la munición.
Esta Semana SMART, dile a tu familia y amigos #BeSMART. Aprende más en besmartforkids.org.